Friday, May 6, 2011


Yes, it is still cold in Tassie.  It feels like Colorado cold.  I actually was up and ready and packed at 8:00 a.m.  I might be an over achiever today.  Have a 7 + hour drive ahead of me.   Wayne and Lynne were great host at the Clydesdale Manor.  Their place is a 5 star not a 4.5 star.  

Unlike yesterday, the sun was out and shining bright.  I made my way back over the Tasman Bridge (a harrowing thing in itself as the lanes are narrow and there is no divider).  I made it to the East Coast Road.  On a very deserted spot I got fussed at by a rough looking Tassie woman about not stopping to take photos -- she was the first car I encountered in 30 minutes.  Thanks for the tip. 
Made it to the Bark Mill Tavern and Museum in Swansea.  Very modern type establishment for the middle of nowhere.  Had a ham, cheese and pineapple croissant (different combination).  

Some things just aren't right in any country.....

Meandered my way up the East Coast to Freycinet National Park.  I was going to attempt (and conquer) the 1.5 hour climb to the Wineglass Bay Lookout.  Stopped along the way to take pictures.  Couldn’t figure out what the tennis shoes (aka trainers) are about but it looked interesting.


At the park, I paid my admission right after a nice Asian man.  When I got to the parking lot there was a wombat wandering around -- 

Started the hike up the mountain (after signing in at the base), note to self - if you are thinking about going to the rest room before you get 5 minutes in, it’s a good idea to go then -- So I went back and used the toilet.  No facilities on way or at top. Restarted up the mountain, ran into a nice British couple and then the Asian family.  The Asian family and I took turns taking photos and going up stairs.  I would rest after a flight and they would go and then vice versa.  I finally got to do two flights and they had to stay behind anyway.  I made it to the top -- YIPPEE.  I am not good at hikes up -- made it to the top in Bergamo (I was slow), made it to the top at Vesuvius (I was slow), kicked butt in at the Presidio in San Francisco (I was not slow due to being is tip top shape for 1/2 marathon and had good walking buddies).   The view from the top was worth it.  The Asian family made it too and a guy from Hamburg Germany.  

Safe looking tree on the path

Walked back down and ran into British couple, the Sennetts, from the Lake District.  They were so nice.  They do lake walks near where they live.  They had been visiting their son and his family in Sydney.  He was 43 and in international finance - and retiring to Sydney (what was I thinking getting out of international finance work?).  
At bottom, I made one more stop and wisely made my way through beautiful valleys toward Mole Creek.  I got to see a beautiful sunset along the way and made it almost the whole way in the light.  I stopped along way for gas and found a moped and a motor scooter for sale.  Who would want to ride those in Tasmania?  

Got to Mole Creek and it was very dark out.  The Guesthouse sign was not lit up and I passed it.  This is a town of 200 people.  The hostess, Laurie, was nice enough to fix me a plate -- meat pie, vegetables and salad.

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